27 June 2024. 

Today the Commissioner’s response to the final three reports of the Inspector of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mr Philip Strickland SC, was tabled in Parliament.

The Inspector’s reports relate to the examination of two investigations conducted by the previous Commissioner, the Hon. Bruce Lander KC, and the processing of various complaints dating back to 2018 made by Mr Michael Fuller.

The Inspector’s reviews, which the Commissioner says “can be fairly described as exhaustive”, found no evidence of corruption, misconduct or maladministration on the part of the former Commissioner or any of his employees in any of these matters.

Of the three matters examined by the Inspector, the investigation of Chief Superintendent Barr had attracted the most publicity. In his review, the Inspector determined that it was appropriate for the former Commissioner to commence the investigation, that it was not attended by unreasonable delay and that there was not undue prejudice to the reputation of Chief Superintendent Barr.

Commissioner Vanstone considered it important she respond to these reports, as she had to the Inspector’s report examining the investigation and prosecution of Mr John Hanlon.

The Commissioner said that in light of the Inspector’s findings, “the community and the Parliament might reflect on the accuracy of some of the assertions, assumptions and suppositions which were offered to justify the 2021 amendments to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) and Ombudsman Act 1972 (SA).”

The Commissioner’s response and a link to the Inspector’s reports are available on the Commission’s website: https://www.icac.sa.gov.au/publications/investigation-reports.


For media enquiries please contact 0428 389 493 or media@icac.sa.gov.au.

Related downloads

Media release – Commissioner's response to three reports of the Inspector