Commissioner's response to 3 reports of the Inspector

On 27 June 2024 the Commissioner’s response to the final three reports of the Inspector of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mr Philip Strickland SC, was tabled in Parliament.

The Inspector’s reports relate to the examination of two investigations conducted by the previous Commissioner, the Hon. Bruce Lander KC, and the processing of various complaints dating back to 2018 made by Mr Michael Fuller.

A4, 10 pages, PDF, 394 KB

Commissioner’s response to three reports of the Inspector

Related links

Media release – Commissioner’s response

Inspector’s review of the investigation and prosecution of Mr Trent Rusby (link to external site)

Inspector’s review of the investigation and prosecution of Chief Superintendent Douglas Barr (link to external site)

Inspector’s review of PIR8E17253 and complaint of Mr Michael Fuller (link to external site)